Snappy Fax


Trusted by thousands for over 20 years, Snappy Fax is the best integrating fax software on the market today.

Moving Snappy Fax to a new computer

We get this question very often, so it seems it needs a page all its own.  Moving Snappy fax server, desktop/client or Snappy fax Lite edition is very straightforward but you will need a few reference materials in hand before you begin:


  1. Print a ScreenShot of each settings page from Snappy fax as a reference.  If you did not change any default settings for a particular settings page, you can ignore that page and focus on the pages where you did specifically configure additional options or changed the default options.
  2. In snappy fax select the ‘Archived Faxes’ view and on the ribbon tab, click the ‘Archive Information…’ button.  Print a screenshot of this screen for reference.  If the only archive shown there is the default archive then you will not need this information (see below).
  3. In snappy fax go to the address book maintenance screen and click the ‘Create Additional or Share Address book’ button, print a screenshot of this screen if you have address books other than the default address book.  It will show you the address book name and folder.  If you have not created any additional address books, you will not need this information.
  4. Determine which folder is your snappy fax data folder, Use Help | Technical Support on the menu or the Technical Support button on the Help & Support ribbon tab to generate the tech data.  Once the data is generated, scroll down to the node ‘Data Path’.  You will see the data folder Snappy fax is using to store its data files.  In Snappy fax desktop/client, you can Click ‘About Snappy fax’ on the Help & Support ribbon tab, it will show you the data folder on the about box.
  5. Download and install the edition of Snappy fax you are using to the new computer from the downloads page on this website.

After installing the software on the new computer, run Snappy fax and go to settings and establish your settings exactly as they are shown in the screenshots you obtained in item 1 above.  Don’t worry if you have not installed your modem(s) on the new computer, you can do that later and then configure the modem(s).  Next, shut down snappy fax on the new computer and then copy all files in the data folder (item 4 above) on the old computer to the same folder on the new computer.  You should copy all files and subfolders from the old computer to the new computer.  When you next restart snappy fax on the new computer, you will find all of your fax history data intact.

If you need to move your fax modem from the old computer then remove it from the old computer and connect it to the new computer.  If there is an installation CD that came with your modem you will need it to install the modem.  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions in such situations.  Use Control Panel -> Phone and Modem to install the modem, you will find an ‘Add…’ button for this.  In most cases Windows will automatically detect the modem and install the appropriate driver for you.  If you have a CD that came with the modem, you will need to use it to install the modem drivers.  Once you have installed the modem on the new computer, you can go back into settings and configure the modem.  Note that the com port Windows associates with the modem on the new computer may not be the same as it was on the old computer, however, Snappy fax will find the correct com port for you if the modem is properly installed.

If you are moving Snappy Fax server then you will need to make one change in each snappy fax desktop/client on your network.  In settings->Fax server interface, change the ‘Fax Host’ edit box to the network name of the new computer.  Note that you should have already have completed the configuration of the fax server software before making the change in snappy fax desktop/client.  Check the ‘Use Database server’ checkbox.

Note that the default fax archive is in a subfolder of the data folder (\archive).  So, for example, if your data path is C:\Users\JT\AppData\Local\Snappy Fax Version 5\Data then the default archive will be in folder: C:\Users\JT\AppData\Local\Snappy Fax Version 5\Data\Archive.  When you copied your data files these archive files should also have been copied *if* you copied all files and subfolders from the old computer.

What about additional archives?

If you have created any additional archives then you will need to also establish those archives in snappy fax on the new computer and then copy the files in the archive folder from the old computer to the new computer.  Refer to the Archive Information you printed in step 2 above and use the ‘New Archive’ button to create the additional archive as they were on the old computer.  Now you can copy the files from the archive folder on the old computer to the new computer’s archive folder, but you will need to shutdown snappy fax before you can do this.

What about additional address books?

If you have created additional address books then refer to the screenshot print you made in item 3 above.  From the address book maintenance screen, create the additional address books observing the folder names as they were on the old computer.  Once you have setup the new address books, shutdown snappy fax and copy the files in the address book folders from the old computer to the new computer.


This sounds like a lengthy task, but it really only takes a few minutes unless you have many additional archives and/or address books.  If you run into issues contact tech support and be sure to send along the tech data from snappy fax on the old computer and the new computer.